Monday, December 10, 2012

Thanks For Subscribing!

Hey! Thanks for subscribing to my mailing list. If you're at this page that means your e-mail address was accepted and all you have to do no is confirm your subscription. Soon you'll get the free boat plan I promised. I'll also be sending you some other great boat related free stuff and offers.


 Make sure to confirm your e-mail address! Go to your e-mail and look for a message that says "confirm your subscription". You'll need to click on the link inside this message in order to start getting e-mail from me! This is a safety measure to protect your information!

Awesome Wooden Boat Plans


  1. I entered my name and email address twice but have never received the necessary confirmation to proceed. I am interested in the plans for the Starlite Auxiliary sloop. Can someone please respond directly to me on this?? Thanks, Peter Arena

  2. I clicked the confirmation link but I still haven't been confirmed. What's going on?
    Thank you,

  3. Raven - My old responder was not sending anybody confirmation for some reason. I have a different mailing company now if you'd like to submit again.

    Unknown- I checked your address and it says you are confirmed. You should've gotten the e-mail by now. Please check your spam folder to make sure it didn't get sent there. :-)
